AA Visiting School Dubai- Additive Constructions
Natura Minima

Natura Minima is a concept for creating customized 3D printing bus stops in Dubai.

The project is based on a system that encompasses several sheltering forms, populated by minimal surfaces which confer geometrical complexity while minimizing the built area.

Each bus stop is designed through an optimization algorithm for strategic material allocation in order to minimize the material usage through a performative perforation.

The emergent aesthetic resembles the morphologic intricacy and elegance of natural forms such as the coral typically found in the UAE.

  1. Location
    Dubai, UAE
  2. Program Head
    Riyad Joucka
  3. Program Coordinator
    Maryam Altaf
  4. Tutor
    Roberto Naboni
  5. Teaching Assistant
    Aya Riad
  6. Team
    Takwa El Gammal, Rahma Tokatli, Venia Krassakopoulou, Ahmad El toutngi
  7. Date
  8. Website


Design presentation showing computational experiments of Minimal Surfaces , Component and Global design strategies.

Diagrams showing Overall design form strategy.

Diagram showing component study.

3D printed prototypes.

Sectional design diagram of the Bus Stop surface.

Video showing computational experiments of Minimal Surfaces, Component and Global design strategies.