This project interprets the art of stereotomy in a new and radical manner.
Stereotomic Æquilibrium uses a funicular design method, at the base of historical structures made of heavy elements, and extends its potential through computational form-finding.
We use generative tools for 3D graphics statics, in order to explore a wide range of architectural configurations and deepen into structural expressionism.
The design emerges from the geometrical manipulation of polyhedra, which intrinsically balance external and internal forces, and generate a related dualism between forces and form, synthesized in two reciprocal diagrams.
This approach supports very diverse explorations, culminating in a final design proposal for a lightweight stereotomic system to be used as an infrastructure for drones.
A discrete architectural piece which takes place on the roof-top of high-rise buildings in Dubai, and is assembled from components manufactured additively.
This design is made to host drones, provide logistics for aerial transportation, and offer shelter from Sun for people.
The work results in an approach, rather than an individual design, which balances provocations in manufacturing with brave structural design, large scale 3D printing with highly detailed constructions.
Detail Diagrams of structural elements.
Construction Sequence Diagrams.
Video showing a fly through the Drone Port Structure.